How To Hack A Facebook Account !

Now a days it is common to hear that someone's facebook account has been hacked. Hacking someone's facebook account means you have to only know his password and that's all. There are numerous methods to hack a facebook account.
 In this article we are going to explain 5 methods  which are commonly used by hackers. Let's go through them one by one.

1• Phishing
This is the most common hacking technique. In this method hackers make a clone of facebook login page. Hackers send the links of this page to the targeted person by e-mail and ask him to login through this page.
            Since this page fake so a recording program is associated with this page which runs in background. When targeted person try to login through this page and enter his user name and password these are recorded by the associated program. Which now becomes easily accessible for hackers.

2. Keylogger
This is the easiest method to hack a facebook account. To use this method first of all hackers install a "keylogger" in victim's computer or smartphone.
      A keylogger is a program which records the keystrokes of victim's keyboard. When facebook login page is opened keylogger becomes active automatically and records the keystrokes used to enter username and password. Then this information becomes accessible for the hacker.

3• Using monitor apps
Now a days we can observe when we signup for whatsapp or reset or facebook password using facebook app in smartphone. An OTP is received by sms which is then automatically accessed by these apps and we don't need to enter it. What is this? These apps can access or read our sms! What if any other third party apps can read our sms? What these apps are called "monitor" apps.
 So after installing a monitor app in victim's smartphone hackers try to reset the password and when OTP is received , it is immediately accessed  by monitor apps. What remains? A hackers has done his job.

4• Tabnapping
This method is becoming popular among hackers day by day. As you can see now a days anyone can signup to any new website by using his facebook or google account. When someone signup to these sites through his facebook account , these sites become able to access your account details to setup a new account in there database automatically.
         Hackers make fake sites or fake login pages of most visited sites. When victim use his facebook account to login to these fake site actually they handover their username and password to the hackers.

5• Social Engineering
This is the simplest attack made by a hacker which is in touch with victim. In this method victim's weak password making techniques are used against him. If a person use a simple password like his date of birth, phone number, their  bike's  number etc.
A hackers can easily guess this type of password and can hack victim's facebook account easily.

NOTE : This article is only for information and security purpose. We dont promote such type of activities. Don't be a part of such activity, these are really illegal.

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