How To Hide A File In Android Without Any Third Party App.

 Android is the mostly used mobile operating systems in the world and 75% of smartphone users are on Android platform.
       Every user have some personal files which he or she never wants to share. User use some third party apps to hide these files.
         Wrong things with these apps is whenever these apps are corrupts or uninstall by mistake than hide files in them also get curroupted or deleted...
     There is a simple trick to hide a FILE OR FOLDER   without any app.

 •In Android OS all file or folder name      starting with a "." (dot) are considered as  hidden.
•All the file or folder hidden by the the dot operator are not displayed in gallery.
•To hide a file or folder, simply rename that file and write a name starting with a dot.
     And you have done it all.
Have a good day....

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